Ah…, Labor Day. The last hurrah before the seriousness of the fall and winter overtakes us.
Sadly, that is what too many people focus upon around the end of summer. Not sure why that is as the name of the holiday implies that this is a day to celebrate the working American citizen and what they have accomplished. The latter of which, by no stretch of the imagination, has been immense.
We trust everyone recognizes that what has been accomplished was not the result of a solo effort. It was done collectively. Together. Through focused effort.
If there was a key lesson to be drawn from Labor Day, it should be that as well as the fact that America then as it is today, works best when we focus on our commonality rather than our differences.
The latter of which has been woefully in fashion for the past several years for the simple reasons that it is easier to destroy than create, simpler to point a finger, than to look within and it is less stressful to caste blame than it is to be accountable.
Yet, the reality is that building and creating requires vision, strength, courage, hard work and a relentless willingness to move beyond differences to accomplish a goal. Our forefathers knew this. And it is for this reason they made “E PLURIBUS UNUM” – “Out of Many, One” our nation’s motto.
Now a beautiful country requires a beautiful motto. I think you would have to agree that our founding fathers nailed it with “E Pluribus Unum!” Not only is that a magnificent encapsulation of both our ideals and beliefs, but double kudos to those boys for creating a guide for us and our institutions by using just thirteen letters. That’s not a coincidence by the way. Neither is the fact that the motto is printed on our currency. It is placed there so as to be a daily reminder of our common belief that there is power and value in working together behind a shared vision.
So. when you watch the parade this weekend, think about what that parade really represents. Commonality. Solidarity. A shared vision to not only to be better but to do better for future generations.
All three of those ideals involve work. Did you notice the present tense of the words “involve” and “work,” in the previous sentence? That’s on purpose because our nation, like our Union, is always a work in progress. Constantly evolving.
The word vigilance should also come to mind. As attentiveness is what is required in order that we always, as a nation or an organization evolve toward the “better.”
But the heartbreaking fact of the matter is that some individuals believe “better” means whatever is easier, or convenient for them. Disappointedly, these individuals are always out for themselves, always trying to get over on someone else or at someone else’s expense, are seldom, if ever, accountable and nary give a thought about what is best for the greater good or how their actions or lack thereof detract from the greater good.
Do you know someone like that? Perhaps many? God forbid, does this describe you? I doubt that as you are reading the newsletter and, in our experience, the faithful monthly newsletter readers rarely, if ever, fall into this category. But if you do know someone like this, or worse…., are this type of person, we’ve got news for you. This is not the right organization for you.
The word “Union” should have been the dead giveaway. Just saying.
Have a safe and fun Labor Day and stay vigilant!
Patrick Keenan
Fund Manager