If you are reading this - Congratulations! You made it another year. What a privilege that is. Remember, some people, actually a lot of people, were not so fortunate in that regard. So do not take your existence and your time here for granted and make this the best year ever.

“C’est Reparti”

It is at this time of the year – the beginning - where we pop our head up, ala Punxsutawney Phill style, to try and determine how long “it” will continue.

Unfortunately, the shadow of obliviousness was seen. And we all know what that means. (Sigh)

The 3-M’s

Since its inception, the Benefit Funds have repeatedly used the newsletter to discuss, point out, educate, and update members of the “goings-on’s” within the various Benefit Funds.


Each of the five (5) notices directly below contain important information on matters that you need to be aware of and/or that may affect you. Please read them carefully.

Notice #1

Effective April 1, 2024, the expense for early retiree coverage and/or retiree disability coverage under the Health and Benefit Plan will increase by $100.00 a month.


HRA – Reminder.

Do not utilize your HRA debit card at the time of service unless:

You are 100% sure that the amount you are being charged is the balance that is owed AFTER any deductible or network discounts have been applied.
You are 100% sure that the provider will submit a claim into the Plan so that it can be adjudicated, and an explanation of benefits can be issued in enough time so as to timely substantiate the use of your debit card purchase or payment.