No. Not the Prince tribute band. Although, if you never saw Prince live, you really missed out.
So, who am I talking about? Who are the purple ones?
The politically agnostic and the people who are not afraid to think for themselves.
Like us.
For example, one of the things people like us support is labor-friendly policymakers and statesmen, regardless of party affiliation. As such, we are neither red, nor blue. What we are, is purple.
Please note that I did not use the word politician in the prior paragraph. Why? Well, to paraphrase a fellow New Englander, James Freeman Clarke, there is a vast difference between a politician and a statesman. Politicians are only concerned with the next election. A statesman on the other hand is concerned with the next generation.
Now there are a lot of reasons why you need to vote and make your voice heard this election year. Suffice it to say, we need a President, Congress, and local elected officials who will fight for workers and protect our union rights! Your vote, and the votes of your union family, can protect workers' rights and improve the quality of life and standard of living for working people.
Don’t know who is a pro-labor candidate? Click the link below and find out:
If you do not know where to vote, click on the following link:
Lastly, it is not just labor issues that are at stake in this election. Your daughter’s and future granddaughter’s right to choose, free-speech, independent journalism, human rights, decency to our fellow citizens, the further erosion of trust in the judicial branch of our government, and the cessation of future elections are all in the balance this election. In short, our democracy, our institutions and our constitution are at risk.
With that said, we are making one recommendation for you to consider and that is to vote early to avoid scheduling conflicts and lines at your polling place.
And please vote wisely. To rephrase Sharon Salzberg, “Voting is a commitment to ourselves, one another, this country and the world.”
While heady, it is nevertheless correct. After all, who amongst us does not believe that those who rely just on party affiliation to determine their vote, or those whose political engagement and education consists solely of right or left leaning media, with no or very little crosschecking of the facts or sufficient time given to consideration of opposing perspectives, are failing in that commitment and should be ashamed.
Now, we know that this does not describe any of the loyal readers of the monthly newsletter. We also know that the loyal readers inevitably know someone who this does describe. When and if you do run into the individuals who fit that description, remind them of that commitment and that:
– John F. Kennedy
- Franklin D. Roosevelt