- Because you and your family deserve to be associated with the most qualified doctor. The simple fact is that not all doctors are experienced or deliver quality care. Sad, but nevertheless true. What is also factual is that there are risks and costs associated with receiving substandard care. You don’t want substandard care, nor do we want you to have substandard care. That is why the Plan has provided you with access to Grand Rounds. Grand Rounds can help you and any eligible loved one find the most qualified doctor.
- Because sometimes you need a second opinion. You surgeon or physician has recommended a certain course of action. It appears to be reasonable. But is it? What do you really know about it? Wouldn’t you want to be sure that it is the best course of action for you?
- Because geography matters. The reality is that not everyone’s covered dependents lives in or will remain in NW Indiana. As a matter of fact, many dependents often go to school in rural areas. Further, many members travel for work outside of Lake County. Unfortunately, the disparity of care in rural areas can be both dangerous and costly. While the Plan cannot do anything about the reality that most of the nation’s top doctors tend to be concentrated in metropolitan areas near major academic medical centers, we can nevertheless provide you with access to them and their expertise. How? Through Grand Rounds.
- Because having the right information and support matters. It is especially important during life’s more critical and toughest moments. It is during these times that you want a) the right information to verify the proposed health treatment, b) to be provided with any previously unknown alternatives and, c) at the very minimum, the peace of mind that you were able to bring the needed expertise to the situation.
- Because all the cool kids are downloading the Grand Rounds App. It’s true. I just downloaded it.
The bottom line is that it is your body and/or the body or life of a loved one. That in itself warrants a second opinion. Through the Health and Benefit Funds Grand Rounds benefit you now have access to the resources that can investigate whether the suggested course of action is appropriate, proper or the best solution for you. The Grand Rounds care team will connect you with top-tier physicians for expert opinions on your existing diagnoses and treatment plans and can often facilitate in-person office visits with local high-quality physicians.